Talk of the Bay from KSQD
Talk of the Bay from KSQD
Local farmer and educator David Shaw on building connections through permaculture and the Right Livelihood Center


David Shaw is a whole systems designer, naturalist, farmer, educator, and musician. His focus is building connections – with ourselves, with each other, and with nature. David founded Santa Cruz Permaculture, a company dedicated to amplifying regenerative land stewardship, and the UCSC Right Livelihood Center, a partnership with the “Alternative Nobel Prize.” He completed the Apprenticeship in Ecological Horticulture at the UCSC Center for Agroecology & Sustainable Food Systems, and holds an MS in Integrative Eco-Social Design from Gaia University. He is currently a PhD candidate in the UCSC Environmental Studies program, researching successful transnational alternative policy groups and large-scale ecosystem regeneration solutions. In order to meet the challenges of today, he has created a farm and inter-generational learning center that fosters hands-on farm and wilderness skills, cultural competence, social entrepreneurship, and collective action.