Join Christine Barrington interviewing local anthropologist and sustainability expert Dr. Michelle Merrill while they explore the potential power of stories and spirituality to shape the systems in which we live, in this Good News Santa Cruz program.
Dr. Merrill introduces the vision behind her personal project named Nova Sutras, the “new teachings,” marrying science and spirituality (https://novasutras.org)
“People have always needed community, spirituality, and celebration. These needs increase as we respond to the vast challenges of environmental disruption and social injustice that threaten global and personal well-being.
“In the Novasutras movement, we are creating a community to nurture and uplift each other during these challenging times. We are coming together to create a world that works for all people and all species of life on Earth. In this movement, spirituality and science are honored harmoniously to understand our existence, open our minds, expand our hearts, and guide us into action. Earth. In this movement, spirituality and science are honored harmoniously to understand our existence, open our minds, expand our hearts, and guide us into action. challenging times. We are coming together to create a world that works for all people and all species of life on Earth. In this movement, spirituality and science are honored harmoniously to understand our existence, open our minds, expand our hearts, and guide us into action.”
Join Dr. Merrill in her Nova Sutras adventures leading local events in our gorgeous natural surroundings in Santa Cruz County, as well as offering global meditations throughout the year.
Check out her guided meditations offered on the Insight Timer application as well.