On Friday, May 21, 2021 host Ami Chen Mills-Naim welcomed 4 guests, including Gerry Low-Sabado, whose ancestors lived in the Pacific Grove Chinese fishing village that burned down; a former President for the Feast; and younger activists who say current changes are not enough.
For decades, the village of Pacific Grove has held an annual “Feast of Lanterns” Festival, with Chinese costumes, lanterns and characters – all produced by a non-Chinese “Royal Court” and Board of Directors.
Local Chinese have long asked organizers to change the Feast, in light of a racist history against Chinese in Monterey Bay. The Feast has evolved in recent years, but is that enough? And what is the REAL history of Chinese in Pacific Grove and Monterey?
Unheard Voices is a derivative of the new Civil Rights Movement Black Lives Matter. This program is inclusive of all people of the colors of the Rainbow. We hold the vision that change begins in the heart, and with the intention to learn about others and respect their world views, we will find ways to coexist peacefully to create a world that works for all.
What a timely (and sad) podcast. I live in Pacific Grove and appreciate hearing this. Cultural competency is not easy. I agree the City should end the festival and celebrate inclusion.
Thank you for your comment, Burr! It’s appreciated.