Tune in at 12 a.m., Monday, July 8th, and hear the Gypsy Scholar present the second installment of the Orphic Essay-with-Soundtrack series, “Romantic Total Revolution: The Democracy Of Soul & The Goddess Of Liberty,” in honor of Independence Day for 2024. Part #2 of this musical essay series continues where part #1 left off with the European Romantic vision of America through the travels of de Tocqueville (Democracy in America). It now focuses on the American Romantic vision of America through the writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson and Walt Whitman.

Be sure to check out the “Independence Day” webpage, which is dedicated to this musical essay series, at revradiotowerofsong.com. For those who missed hearing the first installment of this musical essay series, it can be listened to on the “Archived Musical Essays” webpage, along with the corresponding playlist on the “Program & Playlists” page, of the Tower of Song website.

Update: This program, an extended version, is now available for listening on the “Archived Musical Essays” webpage on the Tower of Song website.