The Dream Journal
The Dream Journal: Geoff Nelson, Dreaming in Church
Rev. Geoff Nelson, D. Min., is a retired Presbyterian pastor, from Whittier, California. He is also a trained spiritual director, labyrinth facilitator and received his D. Min. degree for running...
The Dream Journal: Johanne LaRocque, August 24, 2019
Monterey Dream Coach Johanne LaRocque has been doing dream work since the summer of 1993, when she took a graduate seminar from Jeremy Taylor at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley. One of...
The Dream Journal: Kelly Sullivan Walden, August 17, 2019
Kelly Sullivan Walden is on a mission to awaken the world to the power of dreams. She is a certified clinical hypnotherapist from Hypnosis Motivation Institute and is a trusted adviser, coach and...
The Dream Journal: William Sousae, August 10, 2019
William Sousae is the vice-president of the RHE Charitable Foundation which supports charitable work in edgy arts, conservation, and human resilience. He has forty years of experience exploring his...
Saturday, December 28 10:00am