The Dream Journal
Manipulative Dream Interpretation with Gerette Buglion
Can dream interpretation be manipulative? You bet! Our guest Gerette Buglion, of Living Cult Free, shares her experiences with 18 years in a dream cult. Gerette is passionate about reclaiming her...
Black Dreams Matter with Sahlah Dubel
Our guest, Sahlah Dubel of Divine by Design, talks about BIPOC-centered dreamwork, authenticity, and trust-building. Sahlah shares a powerful dream about learning to breathe water which leads us...
Acute Stress and Individuation with Marilyn Manzi, Psychotherapist
Treating dissociation with dreamwork. Today, meet psychotherapist Marilyn Manzi who treats women with acute stress disorder using what she calls dream psychotherapy. We start by defining acute...
Projective Dreamwork with the Healing Dreams Project Podcast Hosts
What is projective dreamwork? Meet the hosts of the Healing Dream Project podcast, Billie Ortiz, Royce Fitts, and Viviana Guzman. We talk about projective dreamwork and then, in the second half, we...
Saturday, February 15 10:00am