The Dream Journal
Ethical Dream Sharing with Rev. Geoff Nelson
We focus on how to support each other respectfully as we explore our dreams without unduly influencing or belittling each other. Geoff starts out by sharing some incidents that sparked his interest...
The Benefits of Day Dreaming with Doris Snyder
We speak with Doris Snyder about daydreaming which is what thoughts and images float through our minds when we are otherwise occupied with simple tasks so our mind is free to wander. Doris quotes...
The Ethics of Dream Sharing with Carol Warner
Carol starts by describing that she got interested in her dreams while sleeping for several months by her grandmother who was making her transition. She describes her introduction to the study of...
Dreaming for Others with Carol Oschmann
Our guest shares stories about how her dreams for others brought them healing, insight and comfort including about the man who decided not to kill himself but instead to change his life based on one...
Saturday, January 25 10:00am