The Dream Journal
Playing with Dreams, a Katie Mason Re-Play
What is a futuristic dino apple? This is a creature that came out of Katie’s forearm in a dream. She has been working with this image for years now and it has opened a rich vein of authenticity and...
Personal Mythology with the Myth Slayer, Scott Mason
Warning! Poor audio from 3:00 to 16:30. Either hang in there for the fascinating content, or skip forward. Want a better life? Who doesn't?! Our guest today is called the myth slayer. Scott Mason...
Shamanic Dream Journeying with Robert Moss
It's April Fool's Day, and we are talking with dreaming's biggest trickster Robert Moss. Moss is a shamanic dreamer and author of over two dozen books. Today talk about traveling without leaving...
Dream Sharing and Empathy with Prof Mark Blagrove and Prof Julia Lockheart
Does dream sharing increase empathy and insight? Today meet two English professors who say, "Yes it does!" The Science and Art of Dreaming is their new book. Mark starts out by talking about the...
Saturday, December 7 10:00am