Talk of the Bay
Talk of the Bay is committed to covering political, social, and cultural topics from around the Monterey Bay. We focus on current events and people making news locally (from the central coast to Sacramento). We also consider national and international issues, their impact on the central coast, and local responses. We tackle perennial topics like housing, homelessness, transportation, education, and more from a new angle.
Waste, reuse and recycling – dissecting current market trends and legislation on recycling, producer responsibility, and how reuse and recycling conserves resources
Host Len Beyea lobs questions at a panel of solid waste reuse and recycling experts - including Mark Murray, Executive Director of Californians Against Waste; Doug Kobold, Executive Director of...
Teaching anti-racism: A conversation with Jean Moule
Rachel Goodman's guest, Professor Jean Moule, talks about teaching anti-racism in the classroom. Professor Moule is a professor emeritus from Oregon State University and is currently writing a...
Kuumbwa keeps jazz alive in Santa Cruz and beyond
During a time when most clubs that feature live music are dark and empty, local nonprofit music venue Kuumbwa Jazz Center has persevered. Each Monday, in keeping with their pre-Covid tradition of...
Do citizens of Santa Cruz have a real say in development? The case of the 175-unit Riverfront project
Talk of the Bay host Len Beyea interviews Ron Pomerantz, one of 3 signatories to a letter to the Coastal Commission appealing the City of Santa Cruz' approval of a new 175-unit development fronting...
Host Bios
[Coming soon]
Airs Monday through Friday at 5:00 PM
Monday, December 23 6:00am
Rachel Anne Goodman
Since 1980, Rachel has hosted radio shows on public stations around the U.S. where she interviewed many amazing figures. She is the producer of radio documentaries such as Southern Songbirds: The Women of Early Country and Old Time Music, A Labor of Love: Midwifery in the South, The Boomtown Chronicles, and Pastures of Plenty, a History of California Farmworkers. Ms. Goodman has a Peabody award for her work on The DNA Files for NPR. She currently teaches at Cabrillo College
in Aptos and at UC Santa Cruz.