Talk of the Bay
Talk of the Bay is committed to covering political, social, and cultural topics from around the Monterey Bay. We focus on current events and people making news locally (from the central coast to Sacramento). We also consider national and international issues, their impact on the central coast, and local responses. We tackle perennial topics like housing, homelessness, transportation, education, and more from a new angle.
Charging ahead: Inside Santa Cruz County’s e-bike surge – Talk of the Bay
It seems all manner of e-bikes are popping up across Santa Cruz County more and more—on trails, in streets, outside schools and grocery stores. Sometimes, the e-bikes are even carrying two...
Storytelling Magic by NextStage Seniors in Santa Cruz
NextStage is a theater and music project for seniors over 50. It includes the latest production, Storytelling: Encounters with Magic. In this episode, we hear from five of the sixteen participants...
DNC coverage in Chicago, Part IV of IV – Talk of the Bay
Last day of the DNC! Joy Schendledecker hosts this show with Chris Krohn and Ami Chen Mills—finally in the same room at the DNC. Uncommitted delegates have held a vigil overnight outside of...
DNC coverage in Chicago, Part III of IV – Talk of the Bay
Wednesday with KSQD at the DNC! Chris Krohn continues to report out on protesters while AmI Chen Mills is trying to get her bearings, running into Michael Cohen and Medhi Hasan (formerly of MSNBC)....
Host Bios
[Coming soon]
Airs Monday through Friday at 5:00 PM
Monday, December 23 6:00am
Rachel Anne Goodman
Since 1980, Rachel has hosted radio shows on public stations around the U.S. where she interviewed many amazing figures. She is the producer of radio documentaries such as Southern Songbirds: The Women of Early Country and Old Time Music, A Labor of Love: Midwifery in the South, The Boomtown Chronicles, and Pastures of Plenty, a History of California Farmworkers. Ms. Goodman has a Peabody award for her work on The DNA Files for NPR. She currently teaches at Cabrillo College
in Aptos and at UC Santa Cruz.