Reflections on Buddhism
Reflections on Buddhism is a monthly discussion with local Buddhist teacher Tenzin Chogkyi and Mathew Divaris (host) that bridges the worlds of Buddhist thought, current events and the latest research in the field of positive psychology.

Tenzin Chogkyi (she/her/hers) is a teacher of workshops and programs that bridge the worlds of Buddhist thought, contemplative practice, mental and emotional cultivation, and the latest research in the field of positive psychology. She is also a certified teacher of Compassion Cultivation Training and the Cultivating Emotional Balance program.Tenzin is especially interested in bringing the wisdom of Buddhism into modern culture and into alignment with modern cultural values such as racial and gender justice and environmental awareness. She feels strongly that a genuine and meaningful spiritual path includes not only personal transformation, but social and cultural transformation as well. She loves interfaith collaboration and is a volunteer for the Interfaith Speakers Bureau of the Islamic Networks Group in the greater San Francisco Bay Area. In addition to her monthly radio show called “Reflections on Buddhism on KSQD 90.7 she also finds time to create her Unlocking True Happiness podcast which you can check out at where you will also find her current teaching schedule. She is currently based on traditional Awaswas Ohlone land, in what is now known as Santa Cruz, CA.

Mathew Divaris’ (he/him) journey to Buddhism started with a moth-eaten copy of His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s “The Art of Happiness,” and followed a fairly haphazard course for several decades until he had the good fortune of attending teachings by Venerable Tenzin Chogkyi. He is self-admittedly a fairly poor student, yet is constantly amazed at the relevance of Buddhist philosophy in navigating the joys and tribulations of the time in which we live. In his free time, Mathew is a marketing consultant, dog rescue volunteer, enthusiastic gardener and cook.
Patrick McGinn has worked as a civil rights attorney, also with animal rescue organizations in various roles, and for the last six years has been living and working at Buddhist retreat centers in the western United States. He moved to Land of Medicine Buddha in January 2018, first as a member of the Service Study residential program, then served as Spiritual Program Administrator, and is currently serving as Operations Manager. Patrick enjoys fostering homeless dogs, hiking, writing, listening to KSQD radio and hosted “Reflections on Buddhism” between early 2020 and late 2021.

Brigitte Reardon is a licensed Massage Therapist, Yoga instructor, musician and world traveler. She has a strong passion for holistic health, volunteerism, music and travel. Throughout her travels she’s learned about various philosophies and religions and found her deepest calling in Buddhist and Hindu practices. Brigitte is originally from Southern California and migrated up to the Bay Area in 2015. Brigitte piloted “Reflections on Buddhism,” which was picked up by KSQD and launched in February, 2019.
The Nature of Happiness and Where to Find It
Featuring Ven Tenzin Chogkyi and Brigitte Reardon (host).
Mindfully Managing Despair
Featuring Ven Tenzin Chogkyi and Brigitte Reardon (host).
Setting Compassionate Boundaries
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Transforming Our Lives Through Compassion
Compassion is one of the qualities that is held in high regard in all spiritual traditions. In Buddhism, we say that the natural compassion we feel for our loved ones can be extended to others,...
Non-Attachment Doesn’t Mean Not Caring — Why Is It Important in Buddhism?
One of the things most people know about Buddhism (and the source of many Buddhist jokes) is the importance of non-attachment. But this quality can so often be misinterpreted. Non-attachment does...