Moment of Truth with Ami Chen Mills
Moment of Truth with Ami Chen Mills
Palestinian and Muslim Voices on Israel-Gaza-Palestine

In this special, joint episode of Talk of the Bay and Moment of Truth with Ami Chen Mills, three guests who are Muslim and/or Palestinian speak to a ceasefire resolution process in their city (Santa Cruz, CA) and its subsequent framing, to the history of the region called both “Israel” and “Palestine,” and to what they call the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people. This show centers the voices of those whom we have perhaps heard the least from so far, but for whom the war has profound and devastating impacts.

Ami is joined by Dr. Aly Mohamed–a writer and physician affiliated with Sutter Health and the Palo Alto Medical Foundation–who has written several opinion pieces for the Santa Cruz Sentinel; UCSC Assistant Professor and Palestinian-American Sophia Azeb, who contributes frequently to the Funambulist. Sophia teaches Black Studies in the Department of Critical Race and Ethnic Studies at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Sophia’s current book project, Another Country: Translational Blackness and the Afro-Arab, explores the currents of transnational and translational blackness charted by African American, Afro-Caribbean, African, and Afro-Arab peoples across twentieth century North Africa and Europe. Prior to joining the faculty at UC Santa Cruz, Sophia was a member of the faculty collective that founded the Department of Race, Diaspora, and Indigeneity at the University of Chicago. This show also welcomes Palestinian-American Suhail Qawasmeh, a board member at the Santa Cruz Center for Islamic Studies and a father of three and grandfather of six.


  • What did the ceasefire resolution process (which failed at city and county levels) mean to them?
  • What does “being Palestinian” mean to Palestinians? Who gets to define “Palestinian?”
  • Who gets to define “terrorism”?
  • Views on the history of the region
  • Views on the current war/genocide
  • How does Black Lives Matter and Blackness relate to the movement for Palestinians and Palestine?
  • What could next steps look like?

Notes and Resources:

Sophia Azeb in The Funambulist.

Dr. Aly Mohamed’s opinion pieces in the Santa Cruz Sentinel:

Guest Commentary | Echos of empathy: The ethical concern gap between Ukraine and Gaza