Don Miller: The Crisis in Local Journalism
Local journalism is facing an existential crisis: A variety of forces are pressing in on small-town newspapers that may soon make them obsolete. As a journalist at the Santa Cruz Sentinel for...
Barney Wiget: How a Personal Crisis Changed a Pastor’s Heart
Much of the recent public discussions about religion often focuses exclusively on political power and right-wing social movements. However, these conversations often overlook voices of faith who...
Katie Nees: Trauma & Children
Children are among the most vulnerable of society. They are completely dependent on caring adults. How can adults help young people deal with medical emergencies, natural disasters, and the...
Martin Doblmeier: Documentary Eye
The medium of film can transport us to imagined places, as well as deepen our awareness and understanding of the world in which we find ourselves. Turning a documentary lens to complex...
Ken Medema: Seeing the Music
What is the relationship between the human senses and the creative process? This inaugural episode of Intersections features a conversation with songwriter and performer Ken Medema, who,...
Writing about the Local Faith Community
Alliee DeArmond has been a columnist for the Santa Cruz Sentinel focusing on the faith community for many years. In her monthly "In the Spirit" column, Alliee writes about her unique stories...
Seth Schapiro
Click here to contact Seth Schapiro
Seth Schapiro
Over many years, Seth Schapiro has interacted with a variety of cultures and faith perspectives. He grew up in a Jewish home and received a Bachelor’s Degree in Community Studies at UCSC. While living in the mountains of eastern Kentucky, he was exposed to various Appalachian Christian traditions. After teaching elementary school, he developed a K-12 multicultural education program that teaches principles of character using the words and lives of inspiring world figures. His travels have included visiting Muslim-majority countries in the Middle East and Asia where he has observed the influence of Islamic faith on people’s everyday lives. Recently, he taught at a Buddhist university in Cambodia.