Good News Santa Cruz
Good News Santa Cruz
Gine Johnson - Community Power

On Good News Santa Cruz April 2, 2020 Pauline Seales interviewed Viirginia “Gine” Johnson who is a staff member and key analyst for County Supervisor Bruce McPherson.

Councilman McPherson assigned Gine to lead the herculean effort to gather the all the various communities involved into a consensus that would bring about the largest Community Choice Energy Agency in the State–what is now known as Monterey Bay Community Power. We discussed her experiences in that challenging role, as well as her current work on behalf of Santa Cruz County.

The first topic covered some of the county’s work to support people during the Corona Pandemic. More here

We discussed lots of details about Monterey Bay Community Power – new title Central Coast Community Power. This included how it works and the many benefits it provides to the community. More info   Related details included micro grids and battery storage.

The last topic was Public Banking – how it will help the community and progress so far. This website is by the local group working to help local public banking become a reality.