First Person Singular
Bahia Brunelle – Music is for Everyone
Bahia Brunelle says that music is everywhere and for everyone.
Laurie Corn – Doing Time
Laurie Corn's young friend is doing time for children.
Meade Fischer – Pendulum
Meade Fischer does not like the constant swing of the pendulum.
Ray Newkirk – MACA
Ray Newkirk hopes to build together on what we have in common. For more information
Email First Person Singular

Mathilde Rand and Laurie Corn

Mathilde Rand
In December of 2008, I became part of the First Person Singular Team at KUSP (at that point we were five). During the last months of KUSP in 2016, I was the last hold-out. Now I am providing the same 2-minute program at KSQD, Community Radio, because I wholeheartedly believe in giving community members a voice. I am also the treasurer at KSQD.

Laurie Corn
I am attracted to the process of reducing a meaningful story or opinion to 90 seconds. I am a writer, so editing and honing a piece is a special love of mine. I have joined Mathilde Rand as co-producer of First Person Singular, and I encourage you to share your commentary on the air. This is community radio at its best.