Faith Matters

Faith Matters is now called Intersections. The updated show page can be found here:

Christians Resisting the Vaccine

Christians Resisting the Vaccine

  Across the country, one of the distinct demographic groups that has been hesitant to get vaccinated against the Covid-19 virus are Evangelical Christians. Why are Christians so resistant to...

Caring for Refugees

Caring for Refugees

Every day, children and families cross our southern border and request asylum as they flee countries with violence, political instability and poverty. How do people of faith respond to this crisis...

Faith Story: Loss, Grief, & Forgiveness

Faith Story: Loss, Grief, & Forgiveness

  Dan and Lyn Wagner faced a challenge that few parents ever imagine--the sudden loss of both of their children in a tragic car accident caused by a woman under the influence of drugs. Through...


Faith Matters – Podcast RSS Feed

Seth Schapiro

Over many years, Seth Schapiro has interacted with a variety of cultures and faith perspectives. He grew up in a Jewish home and received a Bachelor’s Degree in Community Studies at UCSC. While living in the mountains of eastern Kentucky, he was exposed to various Appalachian Christian traditions. After teaching elementary school, he developed a K-12 multicultural education program that teaches principles of character using the words and lives of inspiring world figures. His travels have included visiting Muslim-majority countries in the Middle East and Asia where he has observed the influence of Islamic faith on people’s everyday lives. Recently, he taught at a Buddhist university in Cambodia.