With a contribution of $250, you can create a personal message that will be aired 6 times on a day of your choice. Day sponsorships are a great way to celebrate a birthday or anniversary, honor a friend or local community member – all while supporting KSQD and the outstanding community radio programming you enjoy! You may even surprise the recipient on a special occasion or donate your message for use by your favorite nonprofit.

Your announcement can be up to 45 words in length, (about 30 seconds long) and will be aired or read by a KSQD host six times , every other hour, beginning at 8:30 am on a day of your choice. You can even record the announcement yourself (see examples below). Your contribution is tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

For more information contact treasurer@ksqd.org or make your contribution today!

Payment options: Online (ksqd.org/donate) or with a check (KSQD, PO Box 5551, Santa Cruz, CA 96063). Payment must be received two weeks before the announcement airs.

Once you have made your payment, you can use the form below to submit your day sponsorship information.

Day Sponsorship Form

Type of Sponsorship

10 + 13 =

If you have any specific or unusual pronunciations in your message, please help us make sure your message is read correctly on air by providing us with a rhyming word or a phonetic “pronouncer” (i.e. “Dave” rhymes with “Wave” or Ira (I-rah) Smith).

Examples of day sponsor messages: 

“Today’s KSQD day sponsors are Pat and Jerry Smith, celebrating 37 years on their journey together, through both joyful and challenging times. Love is what makes the world go around. Thanks for supporting KSQD. “

“Today’s KSQD day sponsor is Jill Cody, in memory of her late mother Patricia, who always believed in helping her community and loved gardening. She will always be in our hearts. “

“Today’s KSQD day sponsor is Kathy Winslett, who would like to give a shout out to all the volunteers at the homeless garden project for their work bringing dignity to people’s lives.”

“My name is James Hansen, and I’m an atmospheric scientist and today’s KSQD day sponsor. I’d like to honor the youth Sunshine Climate movement for their commitment to the future of the planet. “

“Today’s KSQD day sponsor is Rachel Smith on behalf of Save Our Shores, honoring its coastal stewards who keep our Monterey Bay clean of litter and provide educational opportunities for visitors from near and far. “


  • Times are subject to change. Breaking news, special coverage or technical difficulties may preempt a message.
  • There is no fair market value for day sponsorships. The entire amount of your contribution may be tax deductible. Please consult your financial advisor.
  • Messages must be personal in nature and may not include contact information.
  • All messages are subject to editing for length, format and compliance with FCC guidelines.
  • Sponsorships must be submitted at least two weeks before the desired air date.



**Day Sponsorships cannot be used to promote for-profit businesses, political campaigns, year-end giving or special giving days. **

**The FCC also does not allow qualitative, promotional, controversial or inducement language**

**The donor/purchaser must be credited as the Day Sponsor.**

**Date of sponsorship must be selected within one year of purchase.**