Exploring Monterey Bay from KSQD
Exploring Monterey Bay from KSQD
Notable Women - Stephanie Sumarna and Jessie Durant

In a conversation with host Mathilde Rand, Stephanie Sumarna and Jessie Durant introduce and discuss several Santa Cruz Notable Women Past and Present as part of a wider celebration of women.
This first annual celebration of SC notable women, includes the creation of a game with trading cards designed by local students based on information researched by the four women organizing this celebration. The public can get involved in a series of events that will lead up to a special celebration on March 28 at the MAH.
Contact information
Stephanie Sumarna: ssumarna@santacruzcoe.org or 831-466-5810
Jessie Durant: jessie@santacruzmah.org
Link to the digital bulletin board to submit your notable woman story:
Martina Castro
Josephine McCracken
Georgiana Bruce Kirby
Ascension Solorsano de Cervantes