Tune in at 12 AM, January 13th, and hear the Gypsy Scholar continue (after skipping one week in order to present the “The Winter Solstice & the 12th Night of Christmas” program on January 5th-6th) the second installment of the Orphic Essay-with-Soundtrack series, “The New Year & Rebirth In Archaic Myth & Ritual.” This musical essay series explores the archaic, sacred origins of our modern, profane/secular New Year’s observance, when traditional peoples periodically sought to abolish profane time and thus regenerate the sacred “time of the beginning” and thus experience rebirth. Thus, the Gypsy Scholar’s New Year’s wish is that by employing the New Year leitmotif of “new beginnings” throughout this musical essay series his listeners will be inspired to seek out ways for this New Year to (per his theme songs) “begin again” or “start all over again.”
Be sure to check out the fantabulous “New Year’s” webpage that is dedicated to this musical essay series located on the Tower of Song website at revradiotowerofsong.com.
Update: this broadcast is now available for listening on the “Archived Musical Essays” webpage, along with the corresponding playlist on the “Program Playlists” webpage, located on the Tower of Song website at revradiotowerofsong.com.