Join hosts Suki Wessling and Christine Barrington for a special conversation about religious views of abortion. Although in heated political debates it may seem that abortion pits religious people against secular people, the truth is much more nuanced. Joining us to discuss this important and difficult issue are Rabbi Paula Marcus of Temple Beth El, the Reverend David Pattee of Peace United Church of Christ, and the Reverend Terra Collier-Young, a Unitarian Universalist Community Minister.
Links to information discussed in this podcast:
- Peace United Church https://www.peaceunited.org/
- Temple Beth El https://tbeaptos.org/
- Five Seeds Ministry https://www.fiveseedsministry.net/
- Our Whole Lives: Lifespan Sexuality Education from the UUA https://www.uua.org/re/owl
- Abortion and Reproductive Justice: A Jewish Perspective https://ravblog.ccarnet.org/2021/09/abortion-and-reproductive-justice-jewish-perspective/
- Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice https://actionnetwork.org/groups/religious-coalition-for-reproductive-choice
- Reproductive Justice from the Unitarian Universalists Association https://www.uua.org/reproductive
- Pew Research Center’s chart of religious positions on abortion https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2016/06/21/where-major-religious-groups-stand-on-abortion/ft_16-06-22_churchabortion/
- White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Backpack https://uucsj.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/White-Privilege-Unpacking-the-Invisible-Knapsack.pdf
- Repairing the world, one kidney at a time https://www.chicagotribune.com/opinion/commentary/ct-organ-transplants-interracial-perspec-1214-20141212-story.html
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