The Dream Journal
Collage Dreaming with Johanna Vedral
Can making a collage serve some of the same healing function that dreaming does? Our guest today has seen that it can. Johanna Vedral starts by sharing some of the intense nightmares that populated...
All Caller Solstice / Juneteenth Dream Show
In that synchronistic ways that dreams have, all four callers and even my own dream sharing revolve around family members. My dream share involves seeing my father at risk and feeling tenderness for...
Nightmares and Suicide with Dr Michael Nadorff
Can imagining ideal dream scenarios a few minutes a day lessen nightmares and lead to a better night's sleep and more peace of mind? Yes they can, and we talk about how with today's guest Dr....
Dreaming about the IASD Conference with Bob Hoss
Want to find a community that cares about dreams as much as you do? The IASD is a massively multi-disciplinary group of people interested in dreams from scientists to psychologists, artists and...
Saturday, February 8 10:00am