The Dream Journal
Lucid Dreaming, Shadow Work and Toxic Positivity with Jason Althaver
Jason shares several vivid examples of working w the shadow in his own dreams. He shares about how his dreams have helped him evolve out of toxic positivity and away from the strictures of the...
A Crisis Is a Terrible Thing to Waste with Kelly Sullivan Walden
Transform your tragic into magic! After all, like the title of her new book, A Crisis Is a Terrible Thing to Waste. Our guest today is Doctor Dream herself, the inimitable Kelly Sullivan Walden. We...
Dream Gems with Jane Carleton
Dreams often bring simple moments of magic that can make all the difference, and every dream has hidden jewels ready to be uncovered. We talk today to dream guide and professional gemologist Jane...
Bring Your Dreams to Life with Rodger Kamenetz
Instead of puzzling over the meaning of your dreams, bring them to life with Natural Dreamwork. Katherine speaks with poet and author Rodger Kamenetz. He suggests a practice of exploring dreams...
Saturday, October 12 10:00am