The Sustainable Systems Research Foundation:
Who are those guys?
On Sustainability Now!
Sunday, September 19th, 5-6 pm
Sustainability Now! is underwritten by the Sustainable Systems Research Foundation. But what is SSRF? Join host Ronnie Lipschutz and new co-host Brooke Wright in a discussion of two SSRF projects in development. The Watsonville Basic Income Pilot Project will take revenues from sale of solar electricity to a local business and distribute to selected farmworker households as basic income stipends. The Sustainable Urban Food Initiative will bring the benefits of agricultural technology and farm management techniques to small farms and gardens in the Monterey Bay Region. Both projects are examples of the kinds of local development pursued by SSRF.
Previous broadcasts of Sustainability Now! are archived at KSQD.org and on Pocket Casts, Google Podcasts and Spotify.