Is Solar Energy a Commons Belonging to Everyone or Private Property only for the Well-off?
with Professor Kathryn Milun of the Solar Commons Project at the University of Minnesota
The light and energy from the sun falls on us all, humans, animals and plants. That light is what sustains life on Earth. But that light can also be transformed into electricity by solar photovoltaics that are not cheap. Is solar energy the common property of everyone on Earth or is it the exclusive property of those who can afford the technology to capture it? In two weeks, on Sunday, May 12th, join me for a conversation with Anthropology Professor Kathryn Milun, from the University of Minnesota Duluth, who is head of the Solar Commons Project at the Minneapolis campus of the University of Minnesota, a project that seeks to create wealth from solar electricity for low-income communities and households.
That’s on Sustainability Now!, Sunday, May 12th,2024, from 5-6 PM right here on community radio for the Monterey Bay Region, KSQD 90.7 FM, KSQT 87.9 FM, K207FE (FX) 89.5 and KSQD.org, streaming on the internet.