“Stealing Our Democracy with Gov. Don Siegelman”
Tune in to “Be Bold America!” Sunday, May 24, 2020 at 5:00pm
“The biggest political threat of all for the Bush White House and the Karl Rove prosecution machine was in Alabama.” – Scott Horton, human rights attorney and journalist
Governor Siegelman’s case was the subject of a CBS 60 Minutes report and a full-length documentary, “Atticus and the Architect” that may be watched for free on Prime Video.
Gov. Siegelman served five years in federal prison ― including long stretches in solitary confinement ― before being released on probation. One of the solitary confinements happened after Don spoke with progressive talk show host Thom Hartmann!
100 State Attorneys General – both Democratic and Republican – wrote a letter to President Obama requesting that Gov. Don Siegelman be released, since there had been no crime. He was a political prisoner, not a criminal. President Obama did nothing.
Now 73, Gov. Siegelman has devoted himself to promoting prison and judicial reform. His book, “Stealing Our Democracy”, available June 16, explodes the myth of an impartial U.S. judicial system. Listen directly from Governor Don Siegelman about his living nightmare of being an American political prisoner who was convicted of a crime he did not commit.
Hear about his life in federal prison, his abandonment by the Democratic Party, and his new mission to create substantive changes in the criminal justice system. Visit: https://www.stealingourdemocracy.com
Interview Guest:
“America’s Political Prisoner #1”, former Governor Don Siegelman, is the only politician in Alabama history to hold all the state’s top constitutional offices: governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, and secretary of state. As his 2006 campaign was getting underway, he was indicted ― wrongfully, according to scores of attorneys general from states across the nation ― convicted, and given a harsh prison sentence by a prosecutor and judge with links to GOP operatives Karl Rove and Jack Abramoff. https://donsiegelman.org