State of Mind with Debra Sloss
State of Mind with Debra Sloss
Navigating College with Bipolar Disorder (remix): Real Stories and Practical Tips

Episode 70: Join us as we dive into the world of bipolar disorder, a mental health condition that brings extreme highs and lows, capable of turning life upside down if not properly managed. For many young adults, the college years—already a time of major transition—can also be when mental health issues like bipolar disorder emerge or worsen. The stakes are high: students with bipolar disorder are 70% more likely to drop out of college than their peers without a psychiatric diagnosis. Yet many are slipping through the cracks, undiagnosed and unsupported.

But here’s the good news—students with bipolar disorder can thrive in college with the right tools and help! Join us as we chat with Allyson Makuch, who bravely navigated her college and grad school years while managing bipolar disorder. She’s here to share her story of resilience and success. We’re also joined by Dr. David Lo, Director of Psychiatry at UC Santa Cruz, who will unpack the essentials of bipolar disorder and share expert advice on how to manage it while pursuing academic goals.

Producer & Host: Debra Sloss, LMFT
Guests: Allyson Makuch & Shuyun David Lo, MD

Broadcasts: 9/1/24 & 9/9/24

Special thanks  to Youssef Hassanein for audio production, Jennifer Young and Katrina Tattenham for research, Patrice Vecchione for story coaching, Pati Palmer for transcriptions & Rebecca Levy for media outreach. And thanks to acoustic guitarist Adrian Legg for composing, performing, and donating the use of our theme music.

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• TRANSCRIPTION: English Transcription Here
• CLOSED CAPTIONS: View / Listen on YOUTUBE with the closed captioning feature turned on in the settings options

STATE of MIND is a radio show and podcast hosted by psychotherapist Debra Sloss. Through intimate conversations, it delves into mental health and wellness topics, blending personal stories from guests with lived experience and insights from experts in the field. Together, we navigate the complexities of being human and living well. Find inspiration, resources, and hope at STATE of MIND or Produced by Debra Sloss with support from KSQD Community Radio

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In Your Voice are short segments on the show where a listener gets to share their experience of the topic we are discussing. You can call us at 831- 824-4324 and leave a 1-3 minute message about: a mental health experience you’ve had, something that has contributed to your mental health recovery journey, or share a resource that has helped you. Alternatively, you can make a 1-3 minute audio recording right on your phone and email that file to Your voice may just become part of one of our future shows!

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* Indicates a Monterey Bay Area Resource

Books & Articles
An Unquiet Mind by Kay Redfield Jamison. This is a trailblazing autobiography of a psychiatrist who also lives with Bipolar 1. Hearing about her recovery journey helped me feel less alone when I first got my diagnosis.

Mind Fixers: Psychiatry’s Troubled Search for the Biology of Mental Illness by Anne Harrington. If you are interested in the history of science and psychiatry, this book provides insightful historical context for modern day psychiatric interventions for bipolar disorder  and other mental illnesses.

A Diagnosis of Mental Illness Need Not End a College Career – Short article by Marjorie Baldwin / / March 19, 2018.

Back to school with bipolar? How college can unleash mania – Excellent article describing triggers, ways to manage the illness, identifies risk factors to watch out for and offers links to additional resources.  By Michele Hoos / / September 21, 2010.

Managing My Life With Bipolar Disorder – WebMD short online article with 7 prevention practices to help manage symptoms of Bipolar Disorder. Medically Reviewed by Neha Pathak, MD on February 01, 2022.

Web Resources
The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance – Focusing solely on depression and bipolar disorders and offering peer-based, wellness-oriented support and empowering services and resources online 24/7, in local support groups, in audio and video casts, or in printed materials distributed by DBSA and their chapters. This is where our guest Allyson attends her support groups.

WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan) – a self-designed prevention and wellness tool that you can use to get well and stay well. Many versions of this and templates to fill out can also be found by searching online for WRAP Plan templates.

Julie A. Fast (@juliefast) on Instagram for tips and reminders on your recovery journey with Bipolar. Julie is a woman with Bipolar 1 who is an advocate and author supporting people with bipolar disorder  and their loved ones.

*NAMI Santa Cruz County – Free classes & support groups, crisis information and locally oriented resources and support and advocacy on the countywide level.

NAMI National – Website with extensive information and research on mental health and advocacy at the nation level.

NAMI California – Training, education and mental health advocacy information.

How Do you Treat Bipolar Disorder – Practical information from Mental Health America website about the primary ways to treat and manage bipolar disorder.

Resources Specifically for the University of California, Santa Cruz Community
*Counseling and Psychological Services at University of California, Santa Cruz – Also known as “CAPS,” offers culturally appropriate mental health services to currently enrolled UCSC students only, as well as consultation to faculty, staff, and families.

*Disability Resource Center at University of California, Santa Cruz – Works to assist the UCSC campus with equal educational access for students with disabilities. Supports retention and graduation of students with disabilities, promotes a non-discriminatory campus environment and encourages student development and independence

*Slug Support Program at University of California, Santa Cruz – The UCSC Slug Support Program was created to promote early intervention with students of concern to prevent culminating problems from escalating into a crisis.  The goal of the Slug Support Program is to identify students navigating difficult or challenging situations and assist them in resolving their concerns.

*Mental Health Resources for Students at the University of California, Santa Cruz – A comprehensive list of on-campus and off-campus mental health resources specific for college students.

Resources for the Cabrillo College Community
*Accessibility Support Center – Provides services, accommodations, and academic support for students with disabilities (including mental health diagnoses) and learning differences at Cabrillo College. ASC assists the college to meet the requirements ensuring that all programs, services, and activities are accessible to and usable by students with disabilities.

Contact Guests

*Shuyun David Lo, MD – Can be contacted through Counseling & Psychological Services at University of California, Santa Cruz

*Allyson Makuch – You can hear more of her music at her website here: Echoes and Artifacts


* Indicates a Monterey Bay Area Resource